
well being

Tricky one to tie down that, work life balance, eating properly, family relationships all the things we are meant to get right all the time. So, I did not train at the weekend which was a bit of a wasted opportunity because I did not have my daughter. What I should of done was gone for an all day ride or run or pottered about with my old track car. In my defence I did tinker with the car all morning but then, with my Bothers we took my Mum out for Lunch.

Upon arriving at the country pub there was an old school friend whom I had not seen for ages. After a very nice lunch I decided not to get a lift back with the others and instead got stuck in to an all day drinking session. Well, after all how often do you get the chance to do this once your a parent? By 10.30 I was so drunk I went home. Then I went out again to go for a sobering walk. Which had the odd effect of not actually sobering me up at all. I was definitely in a bit of a pickle. I am not a regular drinker and if I do get out for a drink it will almost always be a quick 1 or 2 pints and even this means I feel less rested upon waking. Saturday was slightly different.

Here is the thing, I did not have a terrible hang over on Sunday and I did not get run over whilst out for my drunken walk, I did get mugged nor I did not wake up with a complete stranger. So, whilst I felt tired for most of the day I got off fairly lightly. But here's the rub. I felt wrong this morning as well. Dull, hazy and no where near my best. I even had the morning off work to get a some bits done and even when I cycled to work at midday I still felt less than sharp. Riding to work along my familiar railway with familiar obstacles was so much more demanding. This was undoubtedly because of the booze. Conventional wisdom would say that I was fine and should be feeling normal but I was not. I would obviously of passed a breath test but I would most definitely not of wanted to do any serious driving at today. I tried to put this in the context of doing a track day or one of my other fetishes the Nurburgring. Absolute non starter.

I have to admit to liking the odd drink, but I am cringing when I think about just what I did to my body on Saturday.


Foxy rush hour

Glorious bloody ride in this morning! I only saw one person on the whole of the trail. Such a shame that he was a rude prick who was too selfish to keep his dog under control. When I asked if he was going to do anything about his dog trying to commit suicide under my front wheel I am not sure if he was shouting at me or the dog? Oh well, perhaps I will find out another morning.

But, selfish god owners aside (an abundant breed).....actually lets have a quick rant-its my blog after all. Dogs? Why? I just don't get it. Firstly, you have to spend precious time walking them so they control your time outdoors. Secondly, they produce crap which makes otherwise reasonable people want to stab you. Thirdly, they make your hands smell when you stroke them, fourth they make the owners house smell (for all the dog owners shaking their heads at this....YES! Even your House). Finally, you pay an arm and a leg on food and pets bills. When I have put this watertight case to people they respond with 'but there always pleased to see you'. Three words: get some friends.

Anyway, given that we seem to be a nation of dog owners/lovers I have probably halved my already modest readership, never mind. Frankly if you fall in to the bracket of selfish dog owner I would rather you did not share this adventure with me. Next time your dog jumps up at me or someone else don't say; 'He's alright, he wont hurt you' consider the fact that your dog should not be jumping at anyone with out being invited to do so. Once your dog has invaded my space I will decide whether or not your dog is alright or not. Take responsibility, I am fucking furious with you that I have to spend my time cleaning my trousers because your dog is 'alright'. Instead of telling me it's 'alright' how about you apologise profusely and decide that in the future you will keep your dog under control like the law suggests. Perhaps if you are reading and you are one of the people who does not clean up after your dog I sincerely hope you come across an otherwise reasonable person who wishes to hit you with a blunt (or sharp, I'm easy) object. You disgust me.

OK, so I promised you some pictures but I am little annoyed because I nearly captured the best blooming picture ever this morning. A Fox ran out in front of me and ran along in front of me for a few seconds. I scrambled to get the camera out as quickly as possible but gloved hands were not terribly conducive to the task and I missed the moment. So, with camera back in pocket I carried on riding and the little blighter teased me by jumping out again! Yep, missed it again. It had such a big bushy tale as well! I know they are viewed as a pest to many and for all I know this might be right but I was thrilled with my encounter this morning.

A rather negative blog this morning but trust me I am in a good mood, how could I not be when I have started they day with a wonderful bit of exercise in the sunshine?


Sorry, sorry

Firstly my dedicated readership deserves an apology, since T2T I have been very inactive on here and I really do apologise. 2 reasons for this, firstly becasue I have not been doing as much running and secondly my PC is at my new office so I dont sit at home in the evnings updating my blog.

Shame really, becasue I have had some great experiences with this commuting lark! I did not go for a run over the weekend but Monday morning saw me run in to work for the first time! I cunningly dropped my bag containing clothes, lunch etc off at the office when I passed it on Sunday evening. This meant a simple run into work on Monday morning unburdened with a heavy rucksack. It was 7 miles of absolute bliss! Well, that is a little generous......after having not run for a while my legs took a while to wake up but after 3/4 miles I flying along and it was another beautiful morning! The run home with a light rucksack in the evening was a slightly different affair. I had not eaten since lunch and with 3 or 4 miles left I felt so hungry it was incredible. My hands were shaking, I felt light headed and all I could think of was scoffing dinner down as quickly as possible and then going out for a takeaway. Oh how I fantasised about the high calorie options, McDonalds, no no non, Chinese, ooooh, how about a curry but then again a nice greasey Pizza. The thought of all of them was mental torment! God knows how our great explorers, Ranulph Fiennes and Mike Stoud managed for Months in Antarctica.

By the time I got home I felt so empty it was nuts! I felt like a complete wimp because I was so hungry! I have, after all, fasted for 4 whole days before and felt fine - but I did not do any exercise whilst doing that. Dinner that evening lasted a while.....quick banana and a drink on arrival, cold cuts of roast pork (lots), jacket potatoe, cheddar cheese, salad, Chorizo, coleslaw, ham sandwich with proper baked ham/more salad, more cheese with biscuits finished off with apple crumble and custard. Which, in turn, was finished off again with large amounts of Cadbury's dairly milk. Its been a while since I have eaten like that......and I am sure I have missed stuff out!

Tuesday and this Wednesday have seen me cycle in and do my strength training circuit upon waking as well. All I can say is; Man! The weather has been awesome this week and I have loved every minute of riding/running to and from work! really should of taken some pictures! Promise I will tomorrow.

Hope the sun is shining wherever you may be and more importantly you are making the most of it! Get stuck in! Its good for you!

Also, I would like to express my heartfelt and sincere encouragement and admiration to arguably the greatest living Englishman, Sir Ranulph Fiennes. As I write this he is ascending the North face of the Eiger, a challenge of truly epic proportions and risk. Sir, I salute you. Coincidentally we are raising money for the same great charity Marie Curie Cancer Care.


Commuting rocks

Afternoon. I have not run since last Wednesday, that's 9 days! Lazy swine. However I have not been a complete porker as I have still been strength training most mornings and yesterday was the first day I rode to work! I have just moved to an office set in beautiful parkland surroundings and its just off one of my usual cycles routes! Perfect. A 7 mile off road trail thrash to work every morning.....am I lucky or what! Lets ignore the fact that I need to work harder now.

I moved in last Thursday and owing to sorting a few things out I have not made the most of it but yesterday and today I really have!

Let me set the scene.......You have to cross a busy, new dual carriage way to get on the trail and I do this by way of a big bridge with steep ascent and descent. I am not generally a fan of exercising with earphones in but yesterday I stopped atop this bridge and put my iPod on. Whilst hurtling downhill off the bridge to join the trail with cars to my right and music playing I was smiling so widely I nearly pulled a muscle in my cheek. Oh yeah yesterday morning was also bright and sunny as well. I was thrilled to be alive!

Anyway, must get out for a run this weekend.

Hope you all have a great weekend.



Just got off the phone to the great Charles Stockford. Why? Good question, particularly when I have just moved in to expensive new offices and I really should be working hard to pay the rent!

However, today was the big day! Today was Marathon Des Sables Registration day! I was like a coiled spring this morning on the website....5 mins before reg opened I was ready to rock! Pleased to say that I nailed it and got a place for myself and El Stocko.

Please feel free to send your congratulations via fax, post, email or a comment!


Running club

Not been doing much lately but I have started to do a nice little circuit every morning when I wake up. Consists of Press ups, bicep curls and sit ups to exhaustion. I complete this circuit 3 times and have been doing this daily for almost 2 weeks and can already feel the difference.

Apart from this I have been cycling with some regularity but hardly running at all. Running club last night was tough almost exclusively speed work and it was probably the hardest session we have ever done which was good. As a result I can still feel it a little in my legs this morning which is very satisfying.

I have not entered anymore events as yet but will keep you posted!