So, did a 20 mile run sat morning and after 10 minutes my head felt clear and Bruce was a happy boy. I still felt like this after an hour but after that I was bored stiff and really felt like phoning someone to come pick me up. I didn't but the point is I so rarely feel like that that I have shared it with you. Be grateful, got it?!
I had planned to another 20 on Sunday but my left calf is still causing probs so going to see a physio asap to get it looked at. Instead I did some strength training. Walking lunges, pull ups, squats, press ups, sit ups and these funny things I call 'drags'. Some army type people used them to torture me many years ago and every so often I include them in a work out. They basically involve laying one foot over the other whilst laying on your front. Then you extend your arms (bit like doing a press up) then you have to drag yourself along. Killer upper body workout, but also great core conditioning as well. The only trouble is you get red ants biting your hands and it puts an odd pressure on the ankle that is being sandwiched between the ground and the other foot.
My abs and pecs are a bit sore today which feels great!
I could murder a curry!
Its a dam good job I finished training late this evening because otherwise I would of been straight up the curry house for a ruby. Tomorrow night I am all over that like a jellyfish!
Cant remember what I last wrote on here so thinking that I have not updated since Sunday. So after my Marathon on Sunday morning I have been a little gentle on my beautiful body.
Monday: Gentle ride to work and back (about hour in the saddle)
Tuesday: Gentle ride to work and then thundered home in record time.
Wednesday: cycled to work and back then after dinner I got serious.......
Well kind of. I did my core workout and upper body workout but frankly I felt knackered and did not really push myself as hard a I could/should of. After doing this strength work I went out on the bike for a hill session. 20 reps up a long hill which took me just over an hour.
Its now nearly midnight and all I can think of is having a curry. Sweet dreams readers.
Cant remember what I last wrote on here so thinking that I have not updated since Sunday. So after my Marathon on Sunday morning I have been a little gentle on my beautiful body.
Monday: Gentle ride to work and back (about hour in the saddle)
Tuesday: Gentle ride to work and then thundered home in record time.
Wednesday: cycled to work and back then after dinner I got serious.......
Well kind of. I did my core workout and upper body workout but frankly I felt knackered and did not really push myself as hard a I could/should of. After doing this strength work I went out on the bike for a hill session. 20 reps up a long hill which took me just over an hour.
Its now nearly midnight and all I can think of is having a curry. Sweet dreams readers.
On days like these
Morning all, you know its days like these I feel a bit odd about exercise. I feel completely lost sitting at my desk, I feel like I should be out running or cycling or doing something more linear. You head out for a do it, done! Work; leave some messages, get something else done, go round in a few circles, overall purpose gets fulfilled when several other people finally get organised......sometimes months later......get the idea.
I find myself scanning through the training programme, wishing that it was Wednesday already so that I could get stuck in to that big training session I have planned....I am starting to think that I should step my training schedule up because I find my self just getting more and more hungry for additional sessions.
Whilst stepping out of the ordinary is awesome, it also underlines how ordinary life can suck!
On that happy note I hope you all have a good week!
I find myself scanning through the training programme, wishing that it was Wednesday already so that I could get stuck in to that big training session I have planned....I am starting to think that I should step my training schedule up because I find my self just getting more and more hungry for additional sessions.
Whilst stepping out of the ordinary is awesome, it also underlines how ordinary life can suck!
On that happy note I hope you all have a good week!
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Gentle 26 miles.
So, cheeky Marathon this morning. Time was tricky so after 2 and a half hours sleep I woke up at 3am and was on the road at 4am. Obviously took it easy, eating and drinking along the way but I did not really feel the need to be eating and drinking that much so I guess that's why I did it in just over 4 hours. A half respectable marathon time all things considered.
Considering a Marathon is always a big deal and my weekly running mileage has been pretty low I feel really good. Grabbed a few quick cat naps during the day but have felt pretty wired all day.
The run itself was a complete joy. It was fairly dark when I headed out even though I was only a day shy of the equinox. Another surprise was just how warm it was. After 30Min's I was really sweating but the thing I really remember was just how much of a boost it is doing a big run so early in the morning. Even if you think you are doing badly you take a look at the watch and think 'Good man! Been running for 2 hours and its still only 6am!'
All in all a beautiful run and the weather was really kind. Too kind in fact, the 1.5 litres of fluid I had were not really adequate. Some tightness in my left calf which I have never had before so will keep an eye on it but not too worried.
Time for bed.
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Gentle 26 miles.
So, cheeky Marathon this morning. Time was tricky so after 2 and a half hours sleep I woke up at 3am and was on the road at 4am. Obviously took it easy, eating and drinking along the way but I did not really feel the need to be eating and drinking that much so I guess that's why I did it in just over 4 hours. A half respectable marathon time all things considered.
Considering a Marathon is always a big deal and my weekly running mileage has been pretty low I feel really good. Grabbed a few quick cat naps during the day but have felt pretty wired all day.
The run itself was a complete joy. It was fairly dark when I headed out even though I was only a day shy of the equinox. Another surprise was just how warm it was. After 30Min's I was really sweating but the thing I really remember was just how much of a boost it is doing a big run so early in the morning. Even if you think you are doing badly you take a look at the watch and think 'Good man! Been running for 2 hours and its still only 6am!'
All in all a beautiful run and the weather was really kind. Too kind in fact, the 1.5 litres of fluid I had were not really adequate. Some tightness in my left calf which I have never had before so will keep an eye on it but not too worried.
Time for bed.
Last two days
Wednesday: Warm up then 10 hill reps of approx 40 seconds (running)
Thursday: cycled to work and back then 3 and half hour ride in the evening. 11.20 finish.
Just got back and wanted to quickly update this blog, going to have a couple of days off training now and have a steady run on Sunday. I reckon the training plan has worked out well this week because apparently the weather is going to be shite for the next few days!
Maintained a pretty good pace during the ride and feel really good, not too tired.....should of stayed out a couple more hours! Neck was a little stiff towards the end but other than that, all was fine! Tonight was actually a bit of a departure from the original plan. Had scheduled another strength session but changed it a week or so ago after the last ride.....figured it could be accommodated when I took a second look at it.
Waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle. Sweet dreams all, I am off for a shower.
Thursday: cycled to work and back then 3 and half hour ride in the evening. 11.20 finish.
Just got back and wanted to quickly update this blog, going to have a couple of days off training now and have a steady run on Sunday. I reckon the training plan has worked out well this week because apparently the weather is going to be shite for the next few days!
Maintained a pretty good pace during the ride and feel really good, not too tired.....should of stayed out a couple more hours! Neck was a little stiff towards the end but other than that, all was fine! Tonight was actually a bit of a departure from the original plan. Had scheduled another strength session but changed it a week or so ago after the last ride.....figured it could be accommodated when I took a second look at it.
Waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle. Sweet dreams all, I am off for a shower.
Bike Gadgets!
Bike lights
Many of you must of been wondering just what light I am going to use for the all night stage of the 24 hour race? I am sure you have been wondering just how many lights provide enough light and last all night....and not have a battery bigger than the average house.

The burn times seem to be conservative, it really is a top notch product and beautifully made. Running the light at 40% during the majority of the race will doubtless make it last all night.
They really are the brilliant and if your going to do a long cross country mountain bike race then i really, really reckon you should give them a whirl! They are made by Ergon and are the large GR2's
Many of you must of been wondering just what light I am going to use for the all night stage of the 24 hour race? I am sure you have been wondering just how many lights provide enough light and last all night....and not have a battery bigger than the average house.
What do you mean you have never given it a second thought?
I decided after much research that I should just spank the credit card and get the best money could buy - Lupine. I opted for their new LED product which last summer was the 'wilma'. I went for the one with the second largest battery pack, the Wilma 6. The reason for this had to do with positioning of water bottles and battery on frame.....all of which is now redundant because I have a new bike (see below). I wont go into all the things this light does but worth mentioning that the power output is completely controllable for brightness.

Burn times are as follows:
15W: 4 hours
9W: 6 hours 30 minutes
1W: 42 hours (still brighter than a standard commuter light)
0.5W: 84 hours
9W: 6 hours 30 minutes
1W: 42 hours (still brighter than a standard commuter light)
0.5W: 84 hours
I have kept my programming simple and have mine set up to run at 2 brightness levels. 90% and 40%. A simple touch of button takes you between the two.
Here is what it looks like when used in anger.

The burn times seem to be conservative, it really is a top notch product and beautifully made. Running the light at 40% during the majority of the race will doubtless make it last all night.
Hand grips
After just one practice lap of the course last year I knew my hands would not stand up to 24 hours on my hard standard grips. The hammering to the hands was unreal.
I decided to treat myself to some grips I had been thinking about for luck would have it one of the trade tents had them for sale!

Let this post to serve as a reminder to all of you that boredom is a terrible thing.
Strength training this evening. Pushed pretty hard but at the same time keeping things at a fairly low level of intensity. By that, I mean not banging through the circuit as fast as possible. I catch my breath between each set and then hammer the next one out concentrating on technique. Intensity will build in the coming weeks.
What I did:
Core strength first - each circuit consisted of 9 different exercises. I did the circuit 3 times. This took about 45 minutes.
Then upper body. 5 Different exercises per circuit and again 3 circuits. About 25 minutes.
Finally legs: Simply 3 sets of squats. Man I felt this! prob 6 minutes.
Its worth saying that doing a dedicated core workout has already paid MASSIVE DIVIDENDS. NO lower back back sitting in the car, NO lower back after a four hour bike ride, NO lower back pain after a hard run and increased movement in lower back. So satisfying when you make things happen ay?
5 day Summary:
Fri: Rest
Sat: Rest
Sun: hard 90 minute run
Mon: Active rest..... Cycled to work and back (about an hour in the saddle in total)
Tue: Cycled to work and back + Strength training.
Oh yeah gave my gorgeous bike a bit of TLC this evening......Man I can't wait for sleepless in the saddle!
Need to get some photo's on about one of my new(ish) wonder bike?
What I did:
Core strength first - each circuit consisted of 9 different exercises. I did the circuit 3 times. This took about 45 minutes.
Then upper body. 5 Different exercises per circuit and again 3 circuits. About 25 minutes.
Finally legs: Simply 3 sets of squats. Man I felt this! prob 6 minutes.
Its worth saying that doing a dedicated core workout has already paid MASSIVE DIVIDENDS. NO lower back back sitting in the car, NO lower back after a four hour bike ride, NO lower back pain after a hard run and increased movement in lower back. So satisfying when you make things happen ay?
5 day Summary:
Fri: Rest
Sat: Rest
Sun: hard 90 minute run
Mon: Active rest..... Cycled to work and back (about an hour in the saddle in total)
Tue: Cycled to work and back + Strength training.
Oh yeah gave my gorgeous bike a bit of TLC this evening......Man I can't wait for sleepless in the saddle!
Need to get some photo's on about one of my new(ish) wonder bike?

1,2, resting....1,2
Clever title ay? I am dickhead sometimes.
A general post this time about rest. This is one of those subjects that every 'expert' talks about in the same way they talk about hydration. 'Make sure you drink enough, try to make sure your constantly taking fluid on, even in the cold you still lose fluids.....' Sound familiar? Well, blow me cupcake.
'I think you are over training, have to been increasing your weekly running mileage by more that 15% at a time, are you taking rest days?' Okay good advice, no wait, actually blow me cupcake.
Its personal, sometimes you know you have to just punch through this 'good advice' and accept the 'risks' of doing do. The real problem is that that all the expert voices can start to drown out the most important voice of all. The one coming from your own body!
Writing out my training plan a couple of weeks ago, it all seemed too crammed and unrealistic - jumps in distances looked too big etc etc. Generous blocks of rest were included as well as cautious sessions or 'active rest' as it's known. I feel great and know that I could of done more and pushed harder.
This is where it gets confusing.....if I had done this would I be sitting here injured and severely pissed off? Alternatively I might be sat here stronger, fitter and more confident in what I was capable of. My recurring lower leg injury (medial tibial stress syndrome) has gently re-surfaced and I expected it to. Physio is now being done before I go to bed to sort it out and it will doubtless fade into the background.
I feel a bit confused myself about how much I could or should be doing. I am being cautious and roughly sticking to my plan of getting a base of strength and cardio ability locked in. Then I can really hammer myself - hopefully with reduced chances of injury. I feel there is so much more to come and I am literally arguing with myself about what to do tonight. I really want to do that 4 hour cycle ride again, rationalising that if I feel like I want to then I cant be too tired. The other half is saying, stick to the plan for one more week Bruce and then start doing additional stuff.
Really interesting topic this. The answer is unique to the individual. Dependent on current fitness levels, training experience (months, years decades), age, stress levels, diet, climate, illness, genetic makeup and probably loads of other things.
My guess is that even people who are serious about fitness or a particular sport could train a bit harder and usually a lot harder than they think they can. That probably includes me - even in this cautious stage.
A general post this time about rest. This is one of those subjects that every 'expert' talks about in the same way they talk about hydration. 'Make sure you drink enough, try to make sure your constantly taking fluid on, even in the cold you still lose fluids.....' Sound familiar? Well, blow me cupcake.
'I think you are over training, have to been increasing your weekly running mileage by more that 15% at a time, are you taking rest days?' Okay good advice, no wait, actually blow me cupcake.
Its personal, sometimes you know you have to just punch through this 'good advice' and accept the 'risks' of doing do. The real problem is that that all the expert voices can start to drown out the most important voice of all. The one coming from your own body!
Writing out my training plan a couple of weeks ago, it all seemed too crammed and unrealistic - jumps in distances looked too big etc etc. Generous blocks of rest were included as well as cautious sessions or 'active rest' as it's known. I feel great and know that I could of done more and pushed harder.
This is where it gets confusing.....if I had done this would I be sitting here injured and severely pissed off? Alternatively I might be sat here stronger, fitter and more confident in what I was capable of. My recurring lower leg injury (medial tibial stress syndrome) has gently re-surfaced and I expected it to. Physio is now being done before I go to bed to sort it out and it will doubtless fade into the background.
I feel a bit confused myself about how much I could or should be doing. I am being cautious and roughly sticking to my plan of getting a base of strength and cardio ability locked in. Then I can really hammer myself - hopefully with reduced chances of injury. I feel there is so much more to come and I am literally arguing with myself about what to do tonight. I really want to do that 4 hour cycle ride again, rationalising that if I feel like I want to then I cant be too tired. The other half is saying, stick to the plan for one more week Bruce and then start doing additional stuff.
Really interesting topic this. The answer is unique to the individual. Dependent on current fitness levels, training experience (months, years decades), age, stress levels, diet, climate, illness, genetic makeup and probably loads of other things.
My guess is that even people who are serious about fitness or a particular sport could train a bit harder and usually a lot harder than they think they can. That probably includes me - even in this cautious stage.
Comments rock!
Cheers Helen and Charlie, gives me a serious boner when people actually comment on ye old blog!
Anyway, it seems that the petrol crisis is deepening and many stations have run dry......only joking people, I am in a much better mood today!
Hokay, so I have had one of those weekends that was way busier than expected. Plumbing emergency upon plumbing emergency and unexpected trip in to London to help my Brother out of a spot. But don't worry I still managed a Run and a Fathers day curry which was preceded by a rather splendid siesta.
Okay running was cut short by the various things going on but I managed to get out for a blast on Sunday Morning. Time was short so abandoned the 20miler idea and thought I would blast out for 50 minutes and then come back again. Got home a lot quicker and was back 1hr and 30 after I left. I reckon I must of done at least a half Marathon. I cant wait to verify the distance on my gps gadget, because that's a pretty respectable time.
One other interesting thing about the run was that I carried a water bottle in my hand and when my arm tired from holding it I would swap hands. In a very real way, this change really seemed to reset my mind and I could stay focused on pushing hard. Is this some kind of left brain, right brain thing where one side distracts the other from the pain and fatigue? Any theories you guys have would be cool! The more ridiculous the better!
Hope you all had a good weekend and did not get burnt in the sunshine! Who would be that daft?
Anyway, it seems that the petrol crisis is deepening and many stations have run dry......only joking people, I am in a much better mood today!
Hokay, so I have had one of those weekends that was way busier than expected. Plumbing emergency upon plumbing emergency and unexpected trip in to London to help my Brother out of a spot. But don't worry I still managed a Run and a Fathers day curry which was preceded by a rather splendid siesta.
Okay running was cut short by the various things going on but I managed to get out for a blast on Sunday Morning. Time was short so abandoned the 20miler idea and thought I would blast out for 50 minutes and then come back again. Got home a lot quicker and was back 1hr and 30 after I left. I reckon I must of done at least a half Marathon. I cant wait to verify the distance on my gps gadget, because that's a pretty respectable time.
One other interesting thing about the run was that I carried a water bottle in my hand and when my arm tired from holding it I would swap hands. In a very real way, this change really seemed to reset my mind and I could stay focused on pushing hard. Is this some kind of left brain, right brain thing where one side distracts the other from the pain and fatigue? Any theories you guys have would be cool! The more ridiculous the better!
Hope you all had a good weekend and did not get burnt in the sunshine! Who would be that daft?
Running in a new direction
People who know me personally will know that certain things about my country drive me nuts. I was also thinking that as no one reads this blog anyway I could start spouting off about those things on here to make my self feel better! Just what the world needs another half wit going off about how he can save the world!
I always said to my self that I would keep this blog to training and fitness matters but as no one reads the dam thing I am seriously thinking about branching out.
Any objections?! Course not, your all too busy queuing for petrol......its started!
I always said to my self that I would keep this blog to training and fitness matters but as no one reads the dam thing I am seriously thinking about branching out.
Any objections?! Course not, your all too busy queuing for petrol......its started!
Tired but happy
OK, quick update...
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Hard (and hot!) 10k.
Wednesday: Core and lower back training.
Thursday: 4 and a half hours on the bike.
I guess the 10k and cycle are worth a mention. Really felt the 10k and was really pleased at how hard I pushed myself. Really hit 'the wall' (going anaerobic) about 8 minutes from the end and that was interesting. The weekend had taken more out of me than I had realised.
The cycle ride was great! After a massive dinner I headed out about 7.30 and got back at midnight. Scoffing cereal bars and losing myself in that tired tunnel vision you get when your fatigued and its dark. Awesome stuff!
Couple of rest days planned now and then a run on Sunday, but we'll have to see if I can sit still until then! I really should do dome upper body work this week......
Have a good weekend everyone.
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Hard (and hot!) 10k.
Wednesday: Core and lower back training.
Thursday: 4 and a half hours on the bike.
I guess the 10k and cycle are worth a mention. Really felt the 10k and was really pleased at how hard I pushed myself. Really hit 'the wall' (going anaerobic) about 8 minutes from the end and that was interesting. The weekend had taken more out of me than I had realised.
The cycle ride was great! After a massive dinner I headed out about 7.30 and got back at midnight. Scoffing cereal bars and losing myself in that tired tunnel vision you get when your fatigued and its dark. Awesome stuff!
Couple of rest days planned now and then a run on Sunday, but we'll have to see if I can sit still until then! I really should do dome upper body work this week......
Have a good weekend everyone.
I keep promising myself I will stop waffling so this one is going to be brief!
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 20 Mile run
Sunday: nearly 3 hours on mountain bike
Interesting stuff getting the rucksack on again and carrying fluids and food for a run! I was really excited the night before and really pleased I did it. I had planned to run 25 but I really felt the 20 in my legs so not over doing it seemed to make sense. It did it in a very cautious 3 hours 17.
Fair bit planned this week so really looking forward to it!
Ps. No spelling mistakes, why does that turn me on so dam much?
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 20 Mile run
Sunday: nearly 3 hours on mountain bike
Interesting stuff getting the rucksack on again and carrying fluids and food for a run! I was really excited the night before and really pleased I did it. I had planned to run 25 but I really felt the 20 in my legs so not over doing it seemed to make sense. It did it in a very cautious 3 hours 17.
Fair bit planned this week so really looking forward to it!
Ps. No spelling mistakes, why does that turn me on so dam much?
Wooden legs!
Morning all, great couple of days but now my legs are feeling a little stiff! Good. Means I am working them!
Monday: Rested after having had 3 pretty hefty days
Tuesday: Core strength, Upper body strength, short run and then leg strength. prob 2 hours.
Wednesday: Hill reps on bike. 12 reps.
Thursday morn = Stiff legs!
Last night I realised that the area I live in is as flat as a pancake! The only hills are pretty short and certainly all the off road hilly bits just aren't that steep. So I had to settle for doing the hill reps on road.
Unfortunately I don't have my daughter this weekend (school trip) so I have a weekend all to myself......if the sun is out I will be unstoppable!
Loving training at the moment, just wish the weather would sort itself out!
Monday: Rested after having had 3 pretty hefty days
Tuesday: Core strength, Upper body strength, short run and then leg strength. prob 2 hours.
Wednesday: Hill reps on bike. 12 reps.
Thursday morn = Stiff legs!
Last night I realised that the area I live in is as flat as a pancake! The only hills are pretty short and certainly all the off road hilly bits just aren't that steep. So I had to settle for doing the hill reps on road.
Unfortunately I don't have my daughter this weekend (school trip) so I have a weekend all to myself......if the sun is out I will be unstoppable!
Loving training at the moment, just wish the weather would sort itself out!
And there wait...
Well, a couple of days after I just decided to get going again I sat at work feeling decidely odd. My head started to ache, I had sinus pain and I felt very light headed. I had an early night that night and improved quickly thereafter. That was on Wednesday of last week and what with Charlies 30th celebbrations and My Mums Birthday on the same weekend it all got rather hectic and exercise was lost.
Anyway I reckon this was a good thing to ensure I had what must of been some sort of virus out of my system. It has been immensely frustrating and the weather in the UK has been shite as well. However I can now be sure that my ongoing cold was not hayfever but some kind of light virus that had been lurking in the background.
So what have I done recently?
So, I have cycled to work and back twice (Wednesday and Thursday)
Friday: Hill reps 10 x reps of 40 approx seconds (this hurt)
Saturday am: Hard and fast 10k (also hurt!)
Saturday pm: Core and upper body work out (again....)
Sunday am: Very gentle run of around 1hr 45. I am guessing 12miles.
I feel great for it and cant wait to do more. My legs are a little sore but my recent focus on core strength is already paying dividends. Lower back pain has reduced massively and even sitting in the car for hours on end collecting my daughter is less uncomfortable. Result!
Need to get some pics on here soon!
Anyway I reckon this was a good thing to ensure I had what must of been some sort of virus out of my system. It has been immensely frustrating and the weather in the UK has been shite as well. However I can now be sure that my ongoing cold was not hayfever but some kind of light virus that had been lurking in the background.
So what have I done recently?
So, I have cycled to work and back twice (Wednesday and Thursday)
Friday: Hill reps 10 x reps of 40 approx seconds (this hurt)
Saturday am: Hard and fast 10k (also hurt!)
Saturday pm: Core and upper body work out (again....)
Sunday am: Very gentle run of around 1hr 45. I am guessing 12miles.
I feel great for it and cant wait to do more. My legs are a little sore but my recent focus on core strength is already paying dividends. Lower back pain has reduced massively and even sitting in the car for hours on end collecting my daughter is less uncomfortable. Result!
Need to get some pics on here soon!
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