
Nearly there

Hello, hello. Well it has been a while since I got back from that great few days with Stockford in Gran Canaria. I took the best part of ten days off after that and I have to say I felt crap. My body went to sleep after a few days and I started getting aches and pains. Best thing for it was do some exercise!

So, the two key things I have done since returning have been a nice 20 miler last Thursday and and a 50 miler two days ago. Feel pretty good all things considered!

I should also mention that after a nerve racking wait for a second opinion I have the all clear on my medical! So I am hot to trot baby!

Its all about sunbeds and saunas here on in!!!!!!!!

Well apart from the all the bits of kit I still have to organise.....I mean, Christ, it feels never ending at times! Ordered all my food yesterday and hopefully it will arrive soon. The reason being that HOLY CRAP that I fly to Morocco in 8 days!! Holy shit balls! Hahahahah!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can't believe you're going to the Sahara very very soon - surely it's time to start panicking? ...nice medical photo by the way