

This is an easy report to write! Cold, long and painful.

fell over on the ice 30mins in and it hurt. Heavier rucksack than normal made my legs ache earlier than last couple of weeks and it was bloody cold still....the ice on some of the back roads was still a couple of inches thick in places.

I did 32miles (approx 51km) in total and really felt the second half. Despite the discomfort I could certainly of trudged on and once again my recovery has been convincing. Amazingly so. Thankfully I had the iPod with me for a change and it came in handy for the second half of the run. I listened (audiobook) to some of 'god is not great' by Christopher Hitchens but there is only so much mental bombardment you can take when your pain receptors are firing like howitzers. For the last 5 miles I switched to something a little lighter.

It was a slowish run at 6 hours but glad I did it.

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