
Tuesday Morning

Lovely walk before work and a bit of a core/upper body work out. Consisted of a Nice circuit of Elevated Press ups (feet on step), bicep curls, standing shoulder presses, over head tricep extensions, sit ups (elbows to opposite knees) and that Superman thing whilst laying on front.

Completed the circuit 3 times and each set was to muscle exhaustion. i.e until I was literally unable to continue. Consequently, I have no idea how many reps of each were conducted ( not too many!). The last circuit certainly did not take as long as the first though, that's for sure.

I really find my heart rate revs up during this kind of thing and when laying on my front (lower back Superman thingy) I can really feel my blood being pushed through my body. Even standing up the visible fluttering of my stomach indicates blood vessels being charged with blood below the surface. I find all this rather fascinating and when my daughter was small enough to take out running with me (God I use to love that) I would go to great lengths to explain all this to her. She would ask why my face had turned red, why I was breathing faster and why my skin was wet. I remember standing on Southampton Common and loving the fact my little girl was asking these questions. I was so thrilled to be able to give her half sensible answers to her simple observations. In my opinion few bits of information can be more important than those that illustrate how blindingly clever our bodies are. I hope it encourages my daughter to enjoy and respect hers. I digress.

Fascinating it may be but its a sensation I still feel rather squeamish about.

Just remembered my that my Daughter arrived on a Tuesday. Nice coincidence.

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