I am at a bit of a loss to know where to start. Simply because it was a month ago and I am struggling to remember it!
It was a day of catching up with other people and hearing there stories of the 'long stage'. It was interesting to hear how I had missed people who had also bedded down for a while at CP 5 or people who left just before I got there. Crucially, none of our crowd had let it beat them but to be honest I was not really surprised by this. Everyone we had befriended were just brilliant people and were there for the right reasons.....Incidentally, they all kicked by butt.
Today was about having some food and catching up with good mates and sharing my stories and laughing at each others feet. This was punctuated with regular trips to the toilet and man this was painful. Hobbling to the toilets was such an embuggerance and squatting on sore feet was still so painful. Oddly enough, I didn't really think about the fact that I had to run a Marathon through the Sahara the next day. After all that was ages away!
The last runner came in long after dark and controleurs came round the tents ask us to come and welcome him in. I decided against the walk to the finish line and then decided that I really should make the effort (I had heard from previous competitors that this was a really highlight). I attempted the hobble and it took so dam long I missed it. Dickhead.
Anyway I am struggling to remember much more. Sorry guys if I have missed something special.
Day 3 of running
So, there I was on the start line staring down the barrel of nearly 60 miles across the Sahara with diarrhoea. Does immodium even work??? Insanity, but what were the options? Between the ears I felt great, I just had to make sure I did not dehydrate and keep moving forward. If I could do that glory awaited! Sure it was going to hurt more and take a lot longer than I had planned but hey, I was actually pretty at ease with the whole situation.
It was so inconvenient having to stop and shit every 30 minutes or so but mentally I felt fine. I would bump into familiar faces at CP's and most of them said I did not look great. Oddly I felt a little offended because mentally I felt fine. I had already started considering a decent rest after CP 4 though to make sure I was not pummeling myself into the ground too much. I cant be arsed to talk about the details of the route but if we got to CP4 (50km) within 16 hours we were quids in. CP 4 also blessed me with a pack of tissues from another runner who took pity on my request for toilet paper. Thank you.
The stage between 4 and 5 was pretty brutal, we got this monumental rock climb that required being on all fours at times and would of been hard on fresh legs in daylight. I found out the next day that someone had fallen and had to be helicoptered out. Ouch! After this climb they hit us with a really hard set of dunes, navigation was hard and I was dead pleased to have my super bright little torch. These Dunes went on forever and I mean forever. This was the time I asked myself some of those serious questions about how much you want to finish. I remember having a little sit down on one of the sand dunes and wondered if it was steep enough to slide down on my bum! It was, Hooray! With this little morale boost I pushed on. It was at this point an Austrian gent and me teamed up. It was obvious that all we could think about was the next checkpoint. My brain was constantly asking where is this FUCKING checkpoint. The Austrian gent with me was in his 60's and I was feeling too polite to swear in front of him. With thinly veiled desperation I said; 'where is this checkpoint'. He replied with; 'yeah where is this fucking checkpoint'. Perfect. I smiled to myself.
The dunes eventually ended and in the distance I could see CP5 (64.5km). I marched on but 10 metres before the line I had to drop my shorts again. Heartbreaking. Even worse I was running very low on toilet paper. It was too cold to be standing there bollock naked and trust me when you squat on feet after 16hours of walking/running they hurt. I mean really hurt. My feet literally felt like they were going to burst. It was yet another miserable few minutes.
After crossing the line I got my water and requested more. This incurred a time penalty but after the day I'd had I was hardly heading for a podium finish. Better that I avoided dehydration. CP5 gave me the best treat of the race, perhaps my life! A campfire!!!!! I sat next to that bad boy and took stock. It was 1.20am and I had been on the move since about 9am the previous morning. My feet were hurting and the balls of my feet def had something worrying going on. I boiled some water on the campfire and made a meal. I ate and dozed, ate and dozed. The heat from the fire was bliss. A little after 2am I got up and went to the medical tent for more immodium. I felt a little funny and had to concentrate, nope, still felt funny so walked back to my fire and rucksac and collapsed. Blackout baby!! The worrying thing was I was not sure if I had fallen on my bag or the fire. Genuinely scared for a second but my pretty face got to live on.
I layed in the dirt for a while with the wind blowing and wondered why I was not feeling cold. I was also hoping no one had noticed my faint. The medics might of pulled me out the race if they had noticed.
The faint was not an unpleasant sensation, it felt quite nice in a strange way and it made decisions quite easy. I had time to burn until the final cut off and 'only' two stages to go - best to rest and let my body find some kind of equilibrium again. I got my sleeping bag out and slept under the stars, every so often I would wake to see more sleeping bags had appeared around me. Naturally I had to get up and answer natures call a couple of times and within a minute of getting out of my sleeping bag I was shaking uncontrollably. It was cold but it meant my PHD Minimus sleeping bag was doing me proud!!!! In the morning light I remember watching sand blowing off the top of a Dune about a km away, it flowed off in a clear vortex and it looked amazing. I wont ever forget that.
Morning came and a vid camera was shoved in my face, I tried to look cool and relaxed, not sure what they wanted from me. Then Louise shouted my name out! Nice to see a familiar face. She had arrived at CP5 at around 4.30am! I would not of swapped places with her for all the tea in China! I was dead chuffed with my sleep!
I decided seeing Doc trotter about my feet made sense and joined the queue just as she went for Brekky and ended up waiting for an hour and finally got going at around 7am i think, or maybe 8?
The final two stages were hot and I was glad to finally hit the finish line at around 2.30pm in the afternoon. With tears in my eyes I hugged Angelique and Charlie at the finish line. Angelique smelt a lot better.
It was so inconvenient having to stop and shit every 30 minutes or so but mentally I felt fine. I would bump into familiar faces at CP's and most of them said I did not look great. Oddly I felt a little offended because mentally I felt fine. I had already started considering a decent rest after CP 4 though to make sure I was not pummeling myself into the ground too much. I cant be arsed to talk about the details of the route but if we got to CP4 (50km) within 16 hours we were quids in. CP 4 also blessed me with a pack of tissues from another runner who took pity on my request for toilet paper. Thank you.
The stage between 4 and 5 was pretty brutal, we got this monumental rock climb that required being on all fours at times and would of been hard on fresh legs in daylight. I found out the next day that someone had fallen and had to be helicoptered out. Ouch! After this climb they hit us with a really hard set of dunes, navigation was hard and I was dead pleased to have my super bright little torch. These Dunes went on forever and I mean forever. This was the time I asked myself some of those serious questions about how much you want to finish. I remember having a little sit down on one of the sand dunes and wondered if it was steep enough to slide down on my bum! It was, Hooray! With this little morale boost I pushed on. It was at this point an Austrian gent and me teamed up. It was obvious that all we could think about was the next checkpoint. My brain was constantly asking where is this FUCKING checkpoint. The Austrian gent with me was in his 60's and I was feeling too polite to swear in front of him. With thinly veiled desperation I said; 'where is this checkpoint'. He replied with; 'yeah where is this fucking checkpoint'. Perfect. I smiled to myself.
The dunes eventually ended and in the distance I could see CP5 (64.5km). I marched on but 10 metres before the line I had to drop my shorts again. Heartbreaking. Even worse I was running very low on toilet paper. It was too cold to be standing there bollock naked and trust me when you squat on feet after 16hours of walking/running they hurt. I mean really hurt. My feet literally felt like they were going to burst. It was yet another miserable few minutes.
After crossing the line I got my water and requested more. This incurred a time penalty but after the day I'd had I was hardly heading for a podium finish. Better that I avoided dehydration. CP5 gave me the best treat of the race, perhaps my life! A campfire!!!!! I sat next to that bad boy and took stock. It was 1.20am and I had been on the move since about 9am the previous morning. My feet were hurting and the balls of my feet def had something worrying going on. I boiled some water on the campfire and made a meal. I ate and dozed, ate and dozed. The heat from the fire was bliss. A little after 2am I got up and went to the medical tent for more immodium. I felt a little funny and had to concentrate, nope, still felt funny so walked back to my fire and rucksac and collapsed. Blackout baby!! The worrying thing was I was not sure if I had fallen on my bag or the fire. Genuinely scared for a second but my pretty face got to live on.
I layed in the dirt for a while with the wind blowing and wondered why I was not feeling cold. I was also hoping no one had noticed my faint. The medics might of pulled me out the race if they had noticed.
The faint was not an unpleasant sensation, it felt quite nice in a strange way and it made decisions quite easy. I had time to burn until the final cut off and 'only' two stages to go - best to rest and let my body find some kind of equilibrium again. I got my sleeping bag out and slept under the stars, every so often I would wake to see more sleeping bags had appeared around me. Naturally I had to get up and answer natures call a couple of times and within a minute of getting out of my sleeping bag I was shaking uncontrollably. It was cold but it meant my PHD Minimus sleeping bag was doing me proud!!!! In the morning light I remember watching sand blowing off the top of a Dune about a km away, it flowed off in a clear vortex and it looked amazing. I wont ever forget that.
Morning came and a vid camera was shoved in my face, I tried to look cool and relaxed, not sure what they wanted from me. Then Louise shouted my name out! Nice to see a familiar face. She had arrived at CP5 at around 4.30am! I would not of swapped places with her for all the tea in China! I was dead chuffed with my sleep!
I decided seeing Doc trotter about my feet made sense and joined the queue just as she went for Brekky and ended up waiting for an hour and finally got going at around 7am i think, or maybe 8?
The final two stages were hot and I was glad to finally hit the finish line at around 2.30pm in the afternoon. With tears in my eyes I hugged Angelique and Charlie at the finish line. Angelique smelt a lot better.
Day two of running
On to business; This day was a shock. The first stage really got to me, I am guessing it was because I drank so much water on the start line and diluted my electrolytes, who knows? I do know it was hard though, I had to stop at about 10 minutes in to adjust kit and told Charlie to get a move on. After that point I spent the day pretty much on my own having the odd chat with other runner. I even got asked by a complete stranger if I knew a girl called Justine. I did! she had told him I was running and to look out for me! small world!
The day finished with a hard but relatively short stint in some dunes. I was pleased to be finished and was surprised when Charlie said he had only been back about 30mins. I had taken around 6 hours. Everyone felt pretty beat up after day two and it was reassuring that almost everyone had found the days course hard.
On the down side. this was the night I starting making regular and I mean regular trips to the latrine. Tomorrow was the longest stage of the race a massive 81km (the longest in the history of the race). With a funny tummy it was going to be a long day! I am not sure what time we got the news that night but before we went to sleep we got word that to make up for the cancelled day they had boosted the day to 91km. By far the longest stage in the MDS's 24 year history! We were daunted but pleased, we may of been robbed of a day but now we had a new bragging right!
Day 5....first day running!!!
Got ready and was on the bus for 7am and at the start line area for 9.30am. Man it was cold hanging around the start but god it all felt good, chatting with official photographers and getting our first ration of water! This was real baby!!
The race started just after 10 and man it was awesome, hugging and kissing anyone and everyone, wishing new friends and strangers good luck, listening to Patricks speech, helicopter hovering overhead, race countdown 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.........2,1 GOOOOOOOOO!
We were off and the dunes were a couple k in the distance. God they were beautiful. Me and chaz ran together for all of day one and it was awesome. Few problems with the straps holding my roll mat on but Stocko did me proud and the adrenaline and smiles were still brimming over at the first checkpoint which signalled the end of the largest dunes in Morocco! We def ran from Checkpoint 1 to CP2 a bit tooo enthusiastically but what the hell it felt great! When we got to CP2 it was set amongst some beautiful ruins and the helicopter swooped low over us. AWESOME!!!!!
CP2 also gave us the funniest quote of the day. When taking a leak before setting off again Charlie, calmly delivered the following unforgettable line: "there is a fly on my peanus". We laughed. Alot. The next stage was a mix of kind of grassy hills followed by another Dune field which was smaller but even more stunning than the first. Happy days. Arrived at the finish line around 5 and a half hours after we had started.
More water rations and finally assigned to a tent. Tent 65! A couple of people tent mates were already back and one of them (Tim) had smashed the first day - he had been back ages! On a more worrying note, one of the people we had befriended Penny had gone down with salt depletion and was very ill - she was not overly interested in continuing the race. Yikes, felt really gutted for her.
Got some recovermax down me and got cooking. Managed to have two pouches before dinner and was in bed at 7.45. I have dreamed about laying under a desert sky for years and the night sky in the desert did not let me down!
Day 4
I was dreading today. It was admin day. The day they weigh and check your kit and pay particlar attention to your Medical certificates. Flares and salt tablets also get distributed. I knew it was going to be one long queue!
We got back to our hotel at around 7 and enjoyed some more sweet tea. Tomorrow we are off!!!!
However, we arrived early at a sprawling hotel complex out in the desert and met a few more great comrades in the line and the time just flew by! The kit checks were basically signing a bit of paper declaring you had everything and that was that! I was expecting to unpack everything, then get a few raised eyebrows over my weird ECG reading. Not a bit of it! The French organisers really came into their own and the whole thing was very painless! Happy days! After this I bought a pair of desert goggles and set about hanging out the whole day! One thing that stands out is a woman that had a broken arm, apparently she had gone for a run on the first day out in Morocco and fell over. She was in a cast and you could see her bruised fingers....her race was over before it had begun.
It was mostly Sunny and we we went up on the roof of the hotel to hang out, we had a great lunch laid on for us and we had nothing else to do but wait for Patric Bauer's speech. When this finally happened he declared that because of the unique weather conditions we had to make some decisions together. Everyone suddenly felt very included and wondered what the options might be! Then he stuck it to us: "Cancel the race or carry on". Er, not quite what we were all expecting Patrick but I guess any more options would only of caused arguments!
Day 3
Well, today consisted of drinking sweet tea, watching the rain start, stop and start stop. We even went for a run in the rain which was awesome! At some stage today we found out that day 1 was def cancelled and everyone is really on tenter hooks waiting for more news.
We had a great little announcement from great French guy. His short speech finished with: "I have no more information - any questions?" It certainly raised a laugh from his (very) captive audience.
On top of all this we ate too much and met Michaela and Debs friends Zayne and Sara. Oh yeah and ate way too much. Boredom is a terrible thing.
We had a great little announcement from great French guy. His short speech finished with: "I have no more information - any questions?" It certainly raised a laugh from his (very) captive audience.
On top of all this we ate too much and met Michaela and Debs friends Zayne and Sara. Oh yeah and ate way too much. Boredom is a terrible thing.
Day 2
Once on the bus we were handed our roadbooks for the race. For me this was really, really special. It made everything so real. We had a couple of great girls on the bus behind us, Michaela and Debs. The Controleur with us, Angelique was also great. Let the conversation flow!
A short while after we set off, something strange happened. It started raining and 5 hours later it was still raining. My mind inevitably started thinking about how this could affect us. If the campsite is wet then we were in trouble.....the one thing no one can be prepared for is wet weather. Our sleeping bags in particular are totally useless if they get wet. Do I just attract bad weather?? Its the Sahara for Christs sake!!!
You cant argue with logic like that!
After a packed lunch and few pee stops we were at our destination and army trucks were ready to take us to the first campsite. Charlie and i missed the first trucks so got out the rain and back on the bus. Then we were told we were heading off on the bus to another place because access was becoming difficult because of the rain. So, there we were parked up in this little town while alternative arrangements were made. An hour turned into several and rumours started to get scary! The fact the french competitors could not even get past roads that we had travelled on a few hours before hand was worrying. Or, Perhaps they just surrendered to easily.
After lots of waiting around and more worrying rumours we were told we were going to be sent to a hotel and to expect an update tomorrow. Mmmmmmm.
First day of trip....
Despite no sleep the night before flying I had a cracking day travelling to Morocco. I knew I would forget something though and it was whilst eating a bowl of pasta at the airport that I remembered my lucky shorts had been left on the radiator in the Bathroom. Dickhead. Anyway the check in queue looked like a Raidlight convention with everyone carrying the same red and grey backpacks.....this was really happening!! Met up with Charlies mate, Matt as well. Ended up next to another runner from Ireland called Gary on the plane as well and it was clear that this trip was going to be as much about the people I met as the desert.
Getting off the plane was pretty hot and after a tortuously slow wait for passport control to show up and do their job...painful! % minutes of coach ride to the airport and we were at our hotel, the room was fine but the pool area was properly outstanding and I was having some pretty vivid fantasies about being back there in a week and being able to enjoy a cold beer!!
Before dinner we popped for mineral water and attempted a comedy haggle and I suggested popping for sweet tea at a little restaurant opposite our hotel. It went down very well and little did we know that we were going to have ample opportunity to enjoy lots more over the coming days!
Dinner that night was a hefty affair with more new faces and great banter. I think I totalled about 4 or 5 plates of food. Happy days!
wish me luck!
Ooops, running a bit behind. Still not properly packed and its getting late.
My rucksack seems huge. Just keep reminding myself that its all food and after a couple days running it will soon shrink.
This time tomorrow I will be bedding down in 5 star luxury before a long coach ride in to one of the worlds great deserts. Sweet dreams everyone.
Ps. Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me and please feel free to go to the darbaroud website and email while I am out there. My race number is 763.
My rucksack seems huge. Just keep reminding myself that its all food and after a couple days running it will soon shrink.
This time tomorrow I will be bedding down in 5 star luxury before a long coach ride in to one of the worlds great deserts. Sweet dreams everyone.
Ps. Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me and please feel free to go to the darbaroud website and email while I am out there. My race number is 763.
Everyone keeps asking me if I am excited, or nervous etc. It all seems a bit unreal at the moment. I feel like its happening and I am comfy with that but at the same time it feels like I should not of rested so much and should be doing some training. Then thoughts about the nitty gritty kick in: can I get away with less food? Need to buy lipsyl, new socks? What about a lighter? Where the hell am I going to fit the flares and survival kit the organisers give me? Where can I get straps for attaching roll-matt to my rucksac?.........you get the idea.
I am definitely in the final throws of getting this show on the road and I have to say that packing is my least favourite bit of these trips. I remember Kili being the same. Its kind of bitter sweet, I love the running around and jumping in the car to scream off to the shops for that little thing I forgot. Its the sinking feeling you get when you keep remembering things that make it stressful! The really cool bit is you know that when you do leave the house and head to the airport you have this amazing sense of order and focus about the task ahead. Really looking forward to that.
Anyway, lets focus on something else: Acclimatisation. I have been going to the sauna everyday since last Tuesday and it has been getting easier. This morning I managed 30 minutes straight quite easily. Followed with a short break then 10mins and then 5 break etc etc. To top it off I was chatting with a stunning Italian air hostess this morning. Que bella!
Will try and update again before I leave but no promises. For all that know me, feel free to text and call in the next few days so say hi and good luck!!
I am definitely in the final throws of getting this show on the road and I have to say that packing is my least favourite bit of these trips. I remember Kili being the same. Its kind of bitter sweet, I love the running around and jumping in the car to scream off to the shops for that little thing I forgot. Its the sinking feeling you get when you keep remembering things that make it stressful! The really cool bit is you know that when you do leave the house and head to the airport you have this amazing sense of order and focus about the task ahead. Really looking forward to that.
Anyway, lets focus on something else: Acclimatisation. I have been going to the sauna everyday since last Tuesday and it has been getting easier. This morning I managed 30 minutes straight quite easily. Followed with a short break then 10mins and then 5 break etc etc. To top it off I was chatting with a stunning Italian air hostess this morning. Que bella!
Will try and update again before I leave but no promises. For all that know me, feel free to text and call in the next few days so say hi and good luck!!
Nearly there

Hello, hello. Well it has been a while since I got back from that great few days with Stockford in Gran Canaria. I took the best part of ten days off after that and I have to say I felt crap. My body went to sleep after a few days and I started getting aches and pains. Best thing for it was do some exercise!
So, the two key things I have done since returning have been a nice 20 miler last Thursday and and a 50 miler two days ago. Feel pretty good all things considered!
I should also mention that after a nerve racking wait for a second opinion I have the all clear on my medical! So I am hot to trot baby!
Its all about sunbeds and saunas here on in!!!!!!!!
Well apart from the all the bits of kit I still have to organise.....I mean, Christ, it feels never ending at times! Ordered all my food yesterday and hopefully it will arrive soon. The reason being that HOLY CRAP that I fly to Morocco in 8 days!! Holy shit balls! Hahahahah!!!
Gran Canaria - Day 3
One particular bit worth a mention was flying round a precarious little path that did not leave much room for error. It was just awesome. Stimulating and beautiful sum it up pretty well. Anyway, I will let the pics do the talking.
After we got back we headed back to the beach to watch England get beaten by Ireland in the 6 nations.
Gran canaria - Day 2
So after the same hefty breakfast we struck out in to the mountains. Despite the heading in a direction that turned out to be a bit crap for running we eventually found a good track up the mountain and had a great days running. We totalled just over 20 miles and it felt really good. The brisk downhill parts on the way back were great and I could feel my core and upper body working to stabilise itself. I love this stuff!! As charlie remarked the joints and cartilage take a pounding but we really powered our way back and it left that bionic feeling in me for the rest of the day. Nice. We were out for just over four hours again.
Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention the outstanding t-bone we had in the evening of day 1! The restaurant owner even gave us a lift home!
Gran canaria - Day 1
Okay I got back on Monday night and have been a bit slack about getting this done. So unlike me.
Day one, we had a breakfast identical to our MDS rations, filled our packs, affixed gaiters to shoes and set off in the sunshine towards the beach. Have I ever mentioned I love beaches?! So, we ran along looking like a complete pair of idiots for about 10mins till we hit the coast. I gather the sand dunes in maspalomas are quite famous and they certainly gave us a taste of just how challenging the huge ones in the Sahara are going to be. Especially as our gaiters were effective for about 10 minutes. After that our shoes were full of sand. Bugger.
So after getting the sound out we continued through the nudist areas and down the coast. Why are nudists never super hot? Not grossly overweight would be a good start!
Towards the end of my first bottle of water I tried a new electrolyte tablet called Nuun and have to report it was a very tasty way of maintaining the the correct balance - nice change from water as well. Little moral buzz as well - happy days. I was also using some new sunglasses and hat for the first time. Both worked really well. effective and comfortable.
We were out for a little over three hours and very pleased with our first day. Lessons included gaiters need more work, Nuun is good, massive calorie intake before run works well - ration pack is 800 calories!
Okay, very quickly. Coming off the back of a pretty successful weekend so here it is in all its glory.
Saturday and Sunday: 20 miles with full load on. Just over 3 hours on both occasions.
In a funny way Sunday felt slightly easier.
Even went out Saturday night with a few friends but was very disciplined and had 1 pint of beer and a couple of Cranberry juices. Yes, people did make fun of me. But they don't look as good naked as I do. Got it?
Saturday and Sunday: 20 miles with full load on. Just over 3 hours on both occasions.
In a funny way Sunday felt slightly easier.
Even went out Saturday night with a few friends but was very disciplined and had 1 pint of beer and a couple of Cranberry juices. Yes, people did make fun of me. But they don't look as good naked as I do. Got it?
hard and fast
Good hard 10 miles or so last night. Not done this kind of run for what feels like ages. I would be more specific on distance but my GPS gadget let me down....nevermind, it felt good!
Certain muscles struggled a little because I have not used them on my long slow runs but overall I felt strong and capable. Plan a good core workout this evening and then a curry with a few beers. What? Its mt Birthday! 31 today.......I know, I know the years have been kind.
Certain muscles struggled a little because I have not used them on my long slow runs but overall I felt strong and capable. Plan a good core workout this evening and then a curry with a few beers. What? Its mt Birthday! 31 today.......I know, I know the years have been kind.
After feeling a little more tired than I expected on Friday after my run I decided to take a little bit of time off running so went for a lovely nice ride on Saturday morning and it freaking rocked!!!! To be honest I was not really in the mood for cycling hard but it was such a beauty morning that just cruised around for about 3 hours. A bit of sunshine makes all the difference ay?
Anyway for my loyal reader I have a week summary and some pics for you! One is from a run around London in the Summer with my big brother.
Sat: 32 miles run with rucksack
Mon: Core workout
Tues: Hill session (5 miles)
Wed: Running club (7 miles - hills again!!!)
Thurs: Rest
Fri: 18miles with rucksack
Sat: 3hours on bike (fairly gentle)
Sun: Rest
bunking off
It was a lovely afternoon today so I decided to bunk off work at about 1pm and go for a run instead. Knocked out a cheeky 18miles (planned on 20) but was bored so trimmed a bit off!
It was actually pretty tiring and when I finished I really felt it. I had planned on doing 20 tomorrow as well but my left foot and ankle seems to be struggling a little at the moment. Nothing serious just a little bit of soreness. As seems to be the norm lately the rest of me has recovered in double quick time though. Happy days.
Instead I am going to get out on my bike for the first time in a while. I am actually really looking forward to it, got my camelbak sorted and packed with bits and bobs and all my clothes sorted. Not usually so organised......normally in the car driving to pick my girl up so at a loose end.
Anyone else watching the Sunday night project? Lilly Allen is Hot! Never really seen it before but..... Wah wah wee wah!!
It was actually pretty tiring and when I finished I really felt it. I had planned on doing 20 tomorrow as well but my left foot and ankle seems to be struggling a little at the moment. Nothing serious just a little bit of soreness. As seems to be the norm lately the rest of me has recovered in double quick time though. Happy days.
Instead I am going to get out on my bike for the first time in a while. I am actually really looking forward to it, got my camelbak sorted and packed with bits and bobs and all my clothes sorted. Not usually so organised......normally in the car driving to pick my girl up so at a loose end.
Anyone else watching the Sunday night project? Lilly Allen is Hot! Never really seen it before but..... Wah wah wee wah!!
Him upstairs
I hate the weather in the UK. Got that?
Today it has been seriously toilet. Its still seriously cold and it rained solidly all day. Minging. It struck me a while back that I started this blog and 'mds project' a little over 2 years ago. In that time we have had the two wettest summers on record and now the coldest winter in 20 years. Confirmation, if it were needed, that there is no god!
I am sat here after a relatively enjoyable day gagging for some fresh air, but it is still raining and I cant be arsed with it. I have done a core workout this evening though but my heart was not really in it.
What do you mean your bored reading this drivel?
Today it has been seriously toilet. Its still seriously cold and it rained solidly all day. Minging. It struck me a while back that I started this blog and 'mds project' a little over 2 years ago. In that time we have had the two wettest summers on record and now the coldest winter in 20 years. Confirmation, if it were needed, that there is no god!
I am sat here after a relatively enjoyable day gagging for some fresh air, but it is still raining and I cant be arsed with it. I have done a core workout this evening though but my heart was not really in it.
What do you mean your bored reading this drivel?
This is an easy report to write! Cold, long and painful.
fell over on the ice 30mins in and it hurt. Heavier rucksack than normal made my legs ache earlier than last couple of weeks and it was bloody cold still....the ice on some of the back roads was still a couple of inches thick in places.
I did 32miles (approx 51km) in total and really felt the second half. Despite the discomfort I could certainly of trudged on and once again my recovery has been convincing. Amazingly so. Thankfully I had the iPod with me for a change and it came in handy for the second half of the run. I listened (audiobook) to some of 'god is not great' by Christopher Hitchens but there is only so much mental bombardment you can take when your pain receptors are firing like howitzers. For the last 5 miles I switched to something a little lighter.
It was a slowish run at 6 hours but glad I did it.
fell over on the ice 30mins in and it hurt. Heavier rucksack than normal made my legs ache earlier than last couple of weeks and it was bloody cold still....the ice on some of the back roads was still a couple of inches thick in places.
I did 32miles (approx 51km) in total and really felt the second half. Despite the discomfort I could certainly of trudged on and once again my recovery has been convincing. Amazingly so. Thankfully I had the iPod with me for a change and it came in handy for the second half of the run. I listened (audiobook) to some of 'god is not great' by Christopher Hitchens but there is only so much mental bombardment you can take when your pain receptors are firing like howitzers. For the last 5 miles I switched to something a little lighter.
It was a slowish run at 6 hours but glad I did it.
it all started so well

I started this blog so well and the last 6 months it has just been just another thing in my life that has been ignored. Oh well, no sense in getting down about it!
Training got way off track towards the end of last year and then, when I actually hauled my arse out of bed for an early morning marathon I fell in the dark and hurt my ankle. I managed 20miles on it but by the time I had finished, it had swollen up like a balloon. I was rather concerned. It was OK though and the physio was not too worried about. This was just before Xmas so I made the most of my inactivity and got drunk for a couple of weeks instead. This was also fine because I managed to pick up a sinus/chest infection which lingered for most of Jan! Happy days.
The fear was really descending on me and I knew I had to get a Marathon under my belt to push some of the fear away. So, on Sat 24th of Jan I got up and ran just over a Marathon with my rucksack on. I felt great! How could this be? I should be dying! I concluded that the chesty/sinus thing had been dragging be down more than I had realised and it must finally be out my system. By the time Monday came round I felt 100% recovered. No stiffness, no fatigue. Nada. So I did some cycling, core work, some upper body work and hill sprints throughout the week and ran another Marathon on sat 31st of Jan. Once again I had my rucksack on and this time I did it in around 4hrs 15mins. Once again I felt great and come Monday I felt 100% again! The run hurt a bit more but who cares? Its the recovery that is going to be all important.
So, after that it has all been about sledging in the snow with my daughter! What with all the falls and knocks and throwing snowballs I was more stiff than I was from running a Marathon. I am just not as young as I was!
Anyway, if anyone still reads this then please, please donate a few quid through the link on the left. Over and out.
I would like to make it clear that in no way do I endorse Obama, even though I have stolen his ad campaign. He will not gain my respect until he sponsors my sorry ass!!!!!!!!!!!
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