
nice and dry

Well, its been around 3 weeks since I realised that just 2-3 pints twice a week was making me feel rubbish so I stopped doing it. I feel so much better for it and despite fancying a beer last night I decided to go to bed early. This made sense because I had not had much sleep for the previous couple of nights and this morning I was out on the bike at 7.30am, on a Saturday, at 07.30...on a Saturday...you get the picture.

Dam it was a beautiful morning, sun was just coming up, still a bit of mist sitting on the fields, frost making everything look wintery. Lovelllly. Holy-shit-balls though it was cold! Took me ages to get warm but when I did it was thoroughly enjoyable although I did wish I had eaten a little something before i went out. An hour later, I was pleased to have seen the best bit of the day. I even saw one of our country's most successful front men out for a run with his personal trainer! I did lower the tone a bit though by having a blazing row with a woman whose dogs were not under control - silly cow.

Week summary
Monday - day off after big weekend
Tuesday....cant remember......er best i feel this in later!

Have a good weekend everyone and I will fill this in later when I have checked my training diary.

1 comment:

The Right Guy said...

Alcohol seems to be a bad thing for physical performance, whether aerobic or anaerobic. I don't run, but I used to lift. It never was a good thing.