
Tuesday night bicycle club

Reasonable cycle ride last night but it was a little lacking in pace. Nice pleasant evening not as cold as I had thought and just over 13 miles were covered all of which was on roads. We were out for an hour and ten minutes.

Legs have felt great considering I ran 33 miles on Monday morning. Certainly they have not been as bad when I ran my first marathon in the summer......but I was ill at the time (had to mention that again).

Last time I mention it but I took my little torch with me and it is amazing. Way, way brighter than my top of the range 1500+ Candlepower bike light. Awesome stuff. There was no practical reason to take it with me I just wanted to see how good it was and compare it to a light that I know to be very bright by normal standards. It will def make it into my rucsack at the end of January and it will doubtless see service in the desert as well.

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