
couple of nights well spent

Tuesday night saw a good bike ride where Nick and I both had big 'off's'. I went down a rather steep section and came off in a big way and whilst trying to break my fall by using a tree it felt like I almost tore my bloody thumb off. Nick followed me down and promptly did the same. hilarious stuff.

All in all a good ride, new ground covered and it opened up the possibility of a few new routes that we can take advantage of. We were out for the best part of 2 hrs.

Running club tonight consisted of some hill work and then some flat out sprinting at the local Tesco car park. We were out for about 1hr 30 but a fair bit of that was spent standing around. I have totally forgotten how far we went but my heart rate did top out at 180 at one point. Thrilling ay?

Need to get some pics up soon me thinks. Will be taking camera on Saturday morning, so hopefully get some nice shots.

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