
The discipline of the long distance runner

If I am being honest and I would prefer not to be........
I love the fact that people believe me to be mad when I say that I like running and keeping fit. Or better still, that they think I am an amazing person for getting out for a run with some regularity. I don't mean the usual; 'A Marathon, are you mad?' comment, because after all I have only ever run one Marathon. I mean the general, 'oh I could never do that' or 'I am useless' and 'you are so good'. I suspect any one who exercises feels a little smug about it, I know I sure as hell do!

Trouble is, the winter is coming and I know that getting off the sofa will be a major obstacle, which is why sitting down and writing out my training program's for the Tring2Town Ultra Marathon is vital. Oh yes, self discipline was all important last night. I made sure I had nothing else to do and then bang I would steal a few bits from my previous Marathon program (all of which was stolen from some dude on the net), but being careful to build the big Sunday run up in the right increments and voila! All done! Yep, people are right to admire my reserve when it comes to my unswerving focus for all things fitness related.

However, I kind of managed to lose an entire evening doing something else. Something so important that I have already forgotten all about it. Oh yes, Self discipline will get me through this one.

As soon as I have actually written it I will post it on here and my vast readership can bore themselves silly reading it. Incidentally I think that even the few people I have mentioned this new blog to have not even read it. Still cant blame them, they must think I am mad.


Anonymous said...

Being a "Tour de Force of an idea machine" I expect you have come up with a brilliant training plan Brucey Boy.....
I hope you included our 10k next week when you are going to run it in half the time I am!
Nice one for starting the blog - will look forward to watching your progress.
H xx

Bruce said...

1:23am. Hels, Your so Rock & Roll!