

DOMS. Short for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. It is basically the name given when muscle soreness peaks the day after, the day after. Basically you wake up after a tough run/football match etc and think. Great I don't feel too bad, bit sore, but ok. The following morning you have walk down the stairs backwards because your legs have stopped working properly.

Fingers crossed, that wont be the case tomorrow because my legs have no soreness or fatigue at all this morning and I suspect this means that I wont tomorrow either. Even the joints of my big toes don't feel as bad as last week but I rather suspect this is a signal to get some new running shoes. Since buying my Garmin device in April of this year it has logged over 900km (over 500miles) and since I purchased my shoes on the same day as the Garmin the vast majority of those miles have been completed in the trainers I had on Yesterday (Gel Kinsei).

DOMS has been a painful feature of my running for many years so if any one can come up with a more fun/rude way of using the abbreviation of DOMS then I would be grateful, maybe; Drunk On Mostly Scotch? Lame Bruce. Lame. If my imagination has inspired you to waste several minutes of your life thinking of something funnier than that please add it to my 'Comments'. Anyone can do so, you do not have to be a member. I have to moderate everything before its published so be as dirty as you like. If it makes me feel ill then I will salute you but I might not be able to publish!

Given that I feel fine, I will boost (do you still get 'boost' chocolate bars?) the time/distance of my next long run. The fact that I am doing a 10k race next Sunday does rather interfere with this though! See you at the start line Helen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't Ogle My Sausage!