
Indian Summer

Beautiful in Regents Park today for the annual Rainforest Foundation 10k. Could not of wished for better weather. The underground was dirty, busy and smelly but it always is. God alone knows why people choose to do that everyday.

After a few problems with the rail network I found myself at Euston Station (not the intended plan!). My trusted friend and running comrade Helen told me to just walk to Regents Park from there. Worked out well because I met her on the way when she disembarked at Great Portland Street just as I was walking past. Helen was posing in all her new running gear and I was convinced it would take at least a few minutes off her time!

We met up with another friend of Helen's (we all went to school together too!) who was also running for a chat. Nicky has run a few races like this before and even completed some triathlons so it was great to hear her talk a bit about these and to ask her about her own running club.
After loosing our tracky bottoms (weird taking your trousers off in public!), and a round of photos we made our way to the start. It was a change from my usual running environment because the masses seemed to be predominantly girls. Which was nice. 3000 was the potential capacity of the run and I suspect that they hit their quota.

I have never run in a race this busy before. The New Forest marathon is around 300 runners (I think!) and the even the Sydney Half Marathon was a relatively small affair. I certainly don't remember there being any where near the 3000 runner's that graced the Park today.

A chap at running club had warned me that I would not run a great time because I would be picking my way through the crowd but who cares? Today was more about doing something I had not done before i.e a big organized race and supporting a friend with her running. Additionally I got to run around one of our great Capitals beautiful parks.

My learned friend at running club was not kidding though! For the first 20 minutes of the race I literally was just weaving in and out of other runners only to get boxed in again as soon as I thought I had found a passage through. Would of been a complete disaster if I had been fretting about running a good time but I was along for the experience more than anything. After all I had certainly not even considered doing any specific 10k training.

The race progressed well and it was really great running with so many people, I could even comment on probably half of there playlists as well. The tinny jangle of music from headphones was a very familiar noise all the way round the 3 laps which added to the atmosphere. I ran the race with out any problems, which is more than can be said for one poor girl in front of me who was literally knocked off her feet by a stray football. Poor girl. The shout from the the offending player of; 'It was an accident yeah, sorry love, you alright yeah' did not paint him to be a terribly sympathetic individual.

The other thing worthy of mention was the very attractive girl who pipped me to the finish (For some reason I love a girl beating me at running!) and the fact that this happened to a soundtrack of a man growling as loud as his vocal chords would manage as he crossed the line with us. Even the guy on the tannoy said 'Woh Scary runner'.

After returning my microchip and grabbing my doggy bag I had a quick stretch and waited for the girls to finish. It was great having someone to look out for and cheer home. Helen has never ever run as far as 10k in her life and she was justifiably proud of her self! Well done!

After commandeering the podium for a few comedy shots of the three of us it was time to wander back to Euston and wait for a rediculously long time grab a train for the 6 stops or so to meet my driver (big brother). Whilst killing time on platform 10 I spoke with my good friend max who had a surprisingly fun evening after meeting a Danish girl in a bar last night. I must get out more.

All in all a very positive experience and whilst I have no real basis for comparison I would suspect that this race ranks in the 'very well organized category'. I even got to see one of our Olympic greats, Sir Matthew Pinsent handing out the trophies. The man is a bloody giant.

Man of the day has to go to Mark! Definitely the key member of the gang! Kind enough to look after our bags, I was very grateful for this before the race but when I saw the length of the queue for the baggage reclaim I was even more appreciative. Thanks again.

Time to enjoy the evening with my daughter and have a curry. No school for her tomorrow so extra day together! Wahoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wooohooo!!! We did it! Brucey thanks for all your support and encouragement today and over the last few weeks with my running, you rock!! Had a great time today doing 10k - what a perfect day for it! Now looking for my next challenge.....what's it going to be?!?!